martes, 21 de febrero de 2017

Valentine's Day

On February 14, last Tuesday in Mater Orphanorum School was celebrated Valentine's Day, girls made different activities, in this case Biligual Secretaries (three grades) were to visit the nursing home, they prepared a dance for each grade, they gave the grandmothers a gift, chuchito and orange juice. Girls participated in a active way. 

Also there was a gift exchange, for a week they didn't know who was their "secret friend", they ate a special food, they dance. They were happy. They decorated the classrooms with a different topic, for the fourth grade was "Family's Love", for fifth grade the topic was "Teacher's Love". There was a competition to guess the movie, the prize was to watch a movie and food.

Here are some pictures of the activity, so girls what do you think of this day?

Gift exchange in Fourth Bilingual Secretary

Sixth Bilingual Secretary


Fifth Secretary decoration

Fourth Secretary decoration

Did you like the music?
Did you enjoy to spend time with your friends?
Did you like to visit the nursing home, what was your experience about this?
Would you like to share some pictures through social network?

Wirte your opinion, don't forget to write your name. 

Sant Gerom Emiliani

On February 8, in the school is celebrated life's 'San Jeronimo Emiliani', girls went to church, they gave oblation for the different needs that has the school like San Juan's School, nursery school on zone 1. The oblations were school suplies like erasers, notebooks, pens, pencils, glue. 

As an extra activity fourth and fifth bilingual secretary made an interview to Religion's teacher and Sor Roxanna about 'San Jeronimo Emiliani', they investigated his life, his deeds, his miracles. All this help the girls to have a spiritual connection. 

Resultado de imagen

Girls, what is your opinion about this activity? about to give oblations for kids? about San Jeronimo?
Let me know your opinion.