martes, 3 de octubre de 2017


Civic Ceremonies

Miss Independece

On September 4 all grades presented their candidate to miss Independence, they made propaganda. The election was made trough votes, the elecetion was on September 13. There was a winner for Middle School and another wineer for career.
For this girls had to made their ID card to simulate the real election process.

How did you support your candidate?
What do you think of the election process?

Civic Week

From September 12 to September 14 there were activities like: made civic altar, a traditional breakfast, the election of Miss Independence.

Which was the breakfast you chose with your grade?
How you shared as group?

On September 14 there was a parade in which participated all girls form High School and some girls or Elementary School, the Scholar Band supported the activity, also there were the queens of Cultural Week (Miss Imo, Miss Sport, Miss Culture) and Misses Independence.

Schoolar band

How did you participate in this activity?


On September 27 Mater Orphanorum School celebrated our Virgin Orphan's Mother, the activties started since 5 a.m.
This year Fourth and Fifth accountant had to organize the prayer, the snack for people who got there early. Fourth bachelor made the procession, and all grades gave a gift to help people more needed.
Also there was a mass, sport games, and nuns gave all students an ice cream to celebrate Mater Orphanorum's Day.

Which was the gift your grade gave?
Did you participated in some activity? which one?

With this activity finish the Schoolar year.

I hope you will have great vacations, my best wishes for your final tests. 

We'll see each other soon.

Ending the year

The Scholar year is almost ending, in this last unit the students had several activities of different type. 


On August 17 there was the Seminar of graduand of Bilingual Secretary, Office Secretary, Bachelor and Accountants. Some girls of Fifth Bilingual Secretary and Fifth Accountant was supporting the activity.

What do you expect for seminar in your last year of High School?

Good-bye Party

On August 22 there was the celebration for graduands, in this activities some videos were shown to remember the best moments of the groups, there was food, music, gifts for graduands.

Sixth Bilingual Secretary

Sixth Accountant

Fifth Bachelor

What would you like to have in your celebration for the Sixth grade?

What would you like to do as Good-bye party?
Did you like the Good-by party? Why or why not?
What woul you change of this activity?

Visit to Nursing Home

On August 23 Fourth and Fifth Bilingual Secretary visit the Nursing Home, they made some games, they shared with old ladies, the gave them a present, and a snack.

What meant this experience for you?
Did you like to visit them? Why?
Would you like to do more activities like this?