miércoles, 12 de julio de 2017

June's activities

          Before start June, Mater Orphanorum School finished its May's activities      with the closing of Mary's month, it was in the ground a pray, Secreatrie's          students gave a gift for elder people and flowers for Virgin.

Cultural week

June started in a good way, the cultural week, this week is specially for girl's activities as singing, dancing (regional), talents, and there was an election for queens as Miss IMO, Miss Sport, Miss culture, there was a candidate for each grade section and career, for this year Miss IMO and Miss Culture are from Sixth bilingual secretary.

There were competitions of chorus, regional dancings in both there was the participation of the guide teachers with girls. Also there were competitions of talent, How do you know about? A presentation of National Chorus and a play about Guatemala's Legend.

What do you like most about this week?
Do you like to change or to add some activity?
Did you enjoy this week?

25 comentarios:

  1. What do you like most about this week?
    I really liked the participation because we can share some moments of joy, laughter and even anxiety to observe the winners

    Do you like to change or to add some activity?
    Well I really like this tradition, in school because there they show talent of all kinds. I wish it were more exciting

    Did you enjoy this week?

    If you enjoy it too much as we join as a group, maybe not 100 percent, but we had a lot of fun


  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. What I liked the most was the participation of the theater, and I also liked the activities that we had and the new ones that added as the costume of fantasy because this way you could see the creativity of each one of the participants.
    If I enjoy that week because we participate with my partners in the activities.

  4. Cynthia Melgar

    l. I like to calm my mind in that activity

    2. I would like them to do more activities as Works

    3.I had a lot of fun with my mates, shout, we cheerfully support our candidate


  5. I'm new to school so I did not know what the cultural week's activities were like, but speaking the truth I did not like the activities because they were all compulsory in a group and not all of them worked, besides there was no recreational activity like rally's Dances in any genre also for the decoration that was the same one that was used for the kermesse.
    On the positive side is the choice of ladies imo, culture and sports since the winners in both basic and diversified were a good choice by the jury qualifier. I hope the next year is much better.

  6. This activity was very beautiful. We participate by class. We live together with classmates and teachers. I remember not staying anywhere but, it was a nice experience for second year. For the day of the teacher, he lived in class, the teachers celebrated his Day, because for them we learn to read, we learn new things.
    Yovana Escobar

  7. 1.What I liked most of the cultural week was the participation of the national choir and the presentation of the play of legends of Guatemala as the play was very funny and entertained the students and the choir I really liked the songs they played Although they were rare

    2.Maybe I would like to change the regional dances good only for diversified because I remember that there was a year when basics were dances and regional and for diversified were dances worldwide and was very entertaining and maybe add dubbing instead of the contest when you know from

    3.The truth is if I enjoyed the cultural week much although there were times if I got bored or hungry but otherwise I always hope to arrive this week full of activities to be able to support my degree

  8. Cultural week was the best for all that talent and culture that is developing

    Carol Coy

  9. Because the truth was a very pleasant week next to my companions and support my partner the truth is that I enjoy this week for the music very interesting dances and then I would not change anything of them as it is so special NAME EMELYN ANDREA JIMENEZ FAJARDO KEY. 3 SECRETARIAL BILINGUAL

    1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    2. The truth is that it was a very...
      Supported, enjoyed. Late*

  10. This activity was very beautiful. We participate by class. We live together with classmates and teachers. For the day of the teacher, he lived in class, the teachers celebrated his Day, because for them we learn to read, we learn new things.

    Samantha sagastume

  11. 1. What I liked about this week was that the teachers also participated, because they could share and live a little more with us in the activities.

    2. No, for me the activities are very good.

    3. Yes, I enjoyed a lot with my friends of everything that happened in that week. I liked all the presentations and activities that were done.

    Chelsea Guillén
    4Th. Bilingual Secretary
    Key: "2"

  12. I like this activity because in class a candidate is chosen to be able to participate, to give them support in class, it is nice.
    I love that activity I love more talent because a third girl plays guitar but regret is nowhere.
    I enjoy this activity since my friend Marielos participated as Miss Culture. And for my other companions as well.

    Heidy Yupe

  13. Liked, was chosen, loved, enjoyed.
