miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2020


New School Year 

New proyects are coming, welcome to a new school year, my best wishes for you girls, give your best in the courses, in the activities.  

For this first unit you are going to answer some questions and give comments so far of the activities we have in this first two months.


Accounting Day
On January 26 is celebrated Accounting Day, girls were to IRTRA petapa, the classrooms were decorated according this day. 

Welcome: This school year started on January 13, with the first Civic Act, the first mass, classrooms were decorated to receive you girls in the best way. 

1. What do you think about the role of Accountant.
2. What are your expectatives for this year in your career?


Resultado de imagen de valentines day
Valentine's Day
For this year the activity was different, there was common living with the teachers and classmates, a little interchange of chocolate and a card, and food.

5O years
This year Mater Orphanorum School is celebrating its 50th anniversary, in the English area was made some thinkings about Mater is...
On February 19 there was some acts in honor to school, also was a special mass and special guests that were honored with an award for their labor in some moment or actually have more than 10 years in the institution.

Resultado de imagen de ash wednesday

Ash Wednesday
Now we are in Easter Week waiting. On February 26 there was the mass fot Ash Wednesday, in this day most of us received the cross in our foreheads. This date let us know that everytime is less days to commemorate the life, passion and death of Jesus. 

1) What means for you friendship?
2) How did you celebrate this activity with your classmates ?
3) What do you think about 50th anniversary of the school?
4) Complete the phrase: Mater is______
5) What means for you lent?
6) How do you spend lent with your family/friends?