New School Year
New proyects are coming, welcome to a new school year, my best wishes for you girls, give your best in the courses, in the activities.
For this first unit you are going to answer some questions and give comments so far of the activities we have in this first two months.
Accounting Day
On January 26 is celebrated Accounting Day, girls were to IRTRA petapa, the classrooms were decorated according this day.
On January 26 is celebrated Accounting Day, girls were to IRTRA petapa, the classrooms were decorated according this day.
Welcome: This school year started on January 13, with the first Civic Act, the first mass, classrooms were decorated to receive you girls in the best way.
1. What do you think about the role of Accountant.
2. What are your expectatives for this year in your career?
1. What do you think about the role of Accountant.
2. What are your expectatives for this year in your career?

For this year the activity was different, there was common living with the teachers and classmates, a little interchange of chocolate and a card, and food.
5O years
This year Mater Orphanorum School is celebrating its 50th anniversary, in the English area was made some thinkings about Mater is...
On February 19 there was some acts in honor to school, also was a special mass and special guests that were honored with an award for their labor in some moment or actually have more than 10 years in the institution.

Ash Wednesday
Now we are in Easter Week waiting. On February 26 there was the mass fot Ash Wednesday, in this day most of us received the cross in our foreheads. This date let us know that everytime is less days to commemorate the life, passion and death of Jesus.
1) What means for you friendship?
2) How did you celebrate this activity with your classmates ?
3) What do you think about 50th anniversary of the school?
4) Complete the phrase: Mater is______
5) What means for you lent?
6) How do you spend lent with your family/friends?
ResponderEliminar1) What does friendship mean to you? It is a link between people with harmony
2) How did you celebrate this activity with your classmates? Well, having fun eating and sharing smiles
3) What do you think about the 50th anniversary of the school? What is a year to celebrate for the institution that lends us education
4) Complete the sentence: Mater is___amor___
5) What does it mean for you to borrow? It is something that someone is given
6) How do you borrow with your family / friends? Well, very good . the accountant plays an important role in society
2. Well, my expectations are to win the year and have good grades
Mariana Aguilar
Eliminar4to secretariado bilingüe
1. for me the role off accountant is important for the person who chose since that is what those peolpe like.
Eliminar2.this year´s expectations for my career is to learn and be professional whit what i chose and what i like to do.
3.for my frindship it is to have someone to trust and have the suppont of.
4.we celebrate it by sharing together eating tortillas and eschanging gifts with them.
5.it was nice to celebrate 50 years of school since it is our second home and we have to celebrate it.
6. Mater is home.
7.For me, Lent is being a time with God and remembering everything he did for us again.
8. For me, Lent is being a time with God and remembering everything he did for us again.
Nadia Urquia
4th B.S.
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
EliminarNadia 4/5, Mariana 3/5, both grammar
Eliminar1. I think that the role of an accountant is important because some people don’t know anything about the accountancy and they help them.
ResponderEliminar2. My expectations for this year is achieve learn new topics and graduate me.
3. The friendship means to me be kind, sincere, a good support and live good and bad moments with them.
4. We celebrated giving us a gift, eating a special food and watching a movie.
5. I think that the 50th anniversary of the school is good because that means that for long time the school have known how to teach and to practise the values.
6. Mater is Nature.
7. Lent means to me a time to flective about the love of good have to us and thak him for that.
8. We reflect, go to the church, visit to my family, make traditional Lent food.
Viviana Tuy
6th Bilingual Secretary
Key: 13
Some grammar mistake 4/5 nice job :)
Eliminar1. They are important for a company because they specialize in the accounting area and the expenses in this.
ResponderEliminar2. Obtain more experience in my career and more knowledge in what is done.
3. They are special persons that motivate me and cheer up my days
4. We place the desks (or tables) in square form and listen music, after we were eat and talk between us.
5. I think that it is a lot of time that they have been strengthened and grown up.
6. Mater is entrepreneurship
7. A time to reflect about our actions.
8. we usually go to the church
Careful with grammar 4/5
Eliminar1) I believe that accountants have an important role in society
ResponderEliminar2) my expectations are to win and learn many new things
3) For me, friendship means good times and smiles is special for me
4) We ate, and we gave our exchange of Valentine, after the school activity I went with my friends to spend a pleasant time
5) I think it is very good that the school has been teaching for so many years, it is very good to celebrate since it is a well-known school
6) Mater is love
7) For me, Lent means reflection of what we are doing wrong and recover
8) With my family we make reflections and say that we have been doing wrong and try to do our best not to make the same mistakes.
Dafny Mayrovi Matamoros Flores
4th Secretary Bilingual
Nice job 5/5
Eliminar1. Personally I really admire them for all the accounting they carry, I would not feel able to continue that career.
ResponderEliminar2. Have a good average, learn more about English, graduate and get ahead
3. For me, friendship is something very nice as long as there is trust, motivation and affection.
4. Super good, we watched a movie, we made an exchange and we refurbished.
5. It is joyful for them to see so many years of effort, education leading women to the path of good.
6. Mater is friendship
7. The week is a time for reflection and regret.
8. This year for the first time I will load out of school mostly I was just going to see the processions.
Virginia García
Key: 7
5th bilingual
Great job! 5/5
Eliminar1. I think that this role is very important in every company, is essential.
ResponderEliminar2.Enjoy every moment with my friends and learn more fluency.
3. It means love andsupport.
4. We had fun and eat a lot too.
5.I think that is something important for all the people and for God.
6.Mater is support.
7.Time to regret and peace with myself.
8. We go to processions más eat a lot of "tamalitos blancos"
Josselyne Álvarez
Key 1
Ate a lot.
EliminarMore eat a lot of...
1. I think they are important and I admire the patience and tolence they have.
ResponderEliminar2. I hope to improve my English more and leave with good grades
1.It means support, mutual trust and fun.
2. We watched a movie and ate hamburgers.
3.It is very nice to think that the school has been so many years of planting memories in girls.
4. Mater is friendship.
5. It means the days we have to repent before the arrival of Jesus.
6.With my family we go with my grandmother to eat together.
Grammar 4/5
Eliminar1.that is important and I admire your work because it is very difficult for me.
ResponderEliminar2.having fun with my friends and having good grades.
1.it means supporting the other person in the most difficult moments and a friend is like a second brother.
2.Living together with a small lunch.
3.it's been many years of school.
4.Mater is creativity.
5. it's an important time to be closer to God.
6.with my family and we go to the beach.
Joseline Olivar
Key: 10
Their work
EliminarWe will go
1. I think that the role of accountant is important in company, because they are good for keeping company balance sheets.
ResponderEliminar2. to have good grades and graduate me with my friends.
1. I think it means love, help and trust.
2. we share a small part and live a movie.
3. it is happy to share the 50th anniversary at school.
4. Mater is happiness.
5. it means a time alone with God and being in penance.
6. with my family we go out to eat at different place, and also we usually go to the church.
heidi morales
6th. B.S.
Key: 09
We will go out
1) For me, friendship means trust, loyalty, honesty and union.
ResponderEliminar2) A bit boring since we simply ate, we delivered the work since our teacher picked us up for using a phone to listen to music and take photos and they told us that we were listening to music was on her phone and in her music, but until a classmate convinced She put her phone but I was afraid they would take it off but how nice it was when I left school I could go out with my friends I could have a great time I saw my teachers, it was a lot of fun that moment.
3) unfortunately I could not comment on the culla activity exhibited in the school since I had health problems and unfortunately I could not arrive.
4) it's history, culture, teaching, respect, religion and art.
5) For me, Lent means a reflection of what we are doing wrong and recover
6) With my family we make reflections and say that we have been doing wrong and try to do our best not to make the same mistakes.
Grammar 4/5
EliminarMaría José Días Tzoy
ResponderEliminar1) Well, it?s not that big thing, ok no, haha, I'm joking, It's an important profesion at the entire worls, I mean, they have the money from everyone at companies haha, they've to be very patience.
2) I really hope to graduate this year, I mean, I have to, I want to get great memories with my carreer partners, I love them.
3) To me, friendship means, unconditional support, happines, love, good and bad moments, confidence, tears and laughs.
4) We celebrate Valentine's day watching a movie called To all the boys I loved, we ate lasagna and spend the moring together, we played the secret friend, was a good day.
5) The aniversary of the school it's really great, I mean, I've never imaginate that from this place graduate a succesful women, that inspires me to birth my goals.
6) Mater is union.
7) A time to reflection about the Jesus' sacrifice for us.
8) I spend the all week at the procession's with my friends and family I participate charging and only watching, I reallly love this time.
Profession*, worlds*, career*
EliminarYou missed some words 😅😅 4/5
ResponderEliminar1)That was a nice celebration they enjoyed there special day.
2)As it is my first year of career, I hope to learn a lot how you work in an office. This year I hope to learn to red and write shorthad well , I also hope to learn how to write letters an typeface.
1) I feel that friendship is something that should not be lacking in a person's life and it is very important to know that someone can be trusted.
2) I celebrated friendship day by eating gringas and listening to good music in my class. I also exchanged gifts in my class.
3) Know that this year the school is 50 years old now is very beautiful.
4) Mater is learning with love.
5) It is a time to remember the life of Jesus and that he suffered with his mother the Virgin María for us.
6) I live lent with my family going to zone 1 to accompany and load procedures, sometimes in the processions I meet my friends so I could say that I spend it with my family and friends. Lent is the time I like most of the year.
Carmen Sofía Valdizón Morales.
4th. Bilingual Secretary
Nice job 5/5
Eliminar1)I think I believe that an accountant is a professional dedicated to managing and interpreting the accounting of a business.
ResponderEliminar2) My expectation for this year is to graduate, meet some of my goals and feel proud of what I have achieved.
1)It is to support at all times, trust, security and affection.
2)We Shared watching a movie.
3)It is surprising that he completed so many years of education and prestige.
4)Mater is friendship.
5) It is the liturgical time of conversion that marks the church to prepare us for the great feast of Easter.
6) We don't do anything
Mayely Chanchavac
6th Bilingual Secretary
Very good 5/5
EliminarI think that is a role very important because is important to a business.
ResponderEliminarMy expectation to this year is graduate me and I have good grades.
To me the friendship means love to the muy friends because they help me in all.
Celebrate with muy friend watch movie (a todos los chicos de los que me enamoré) and eat food.
I think that are very years of Education, Sharing and respect.
Mater is education
I think the lent is the passion And love to the Christ.
We don't nothing in special.
Jennifer catalán
Eliminar6th Bilingual Secretary
Muy ??
1.That their work is of vital importance to all are very intelligent and responsible.
ResponderEliminar2.This year my expectations is that it will make more demanding and more difficult.
1. it means being for friends when they need help leaning and loving each other.
2.that day we ate and drank soda and exchanged a gift and chocolate.
3.It is good to always remember this important date was a beautiful celebration in which we learned.
4.Mather is Dance.
5.Its time to remember life of Jesus.
6. With my family let's go to the processions.
Wendy Licardié
5to. Bilingual Secretary.
1. They are very important for the city since thanks to them the companies do not go bankrupt.
ResponderEliminar2. Be a better student and leave history.
3. Have a friend with whon to have fun and trust always.
4. Going to mass in the immaculate.
5. I am surprised by the number of years that she has been training intelligent women with values, beliefs and a great future.
6. Chatting, going out to eat or go dancing and this is how I spend time with them appreciating them and thanki9ng God that they have incredible people in my life.
Evelyn Herrera
6th. Bilingual Secretary