lunes, 15 de julio de 2019


Mother's Day
On May 9, girls celebrated Mother's Day with some special presentations, there were some raffles, mariachi music.

1. What means your mom for you? 
2. What can you do for your mom?

Marian's Month

On May we celebrated our Holy Mother, all the month we were talking about the different dedications to Mary.
1. How did you participate at the beginning or end of Marian's Month?
2. What was the name of Mary assignated to your grade?


Corpus Christi

1. What elements had your altar? In what consist this activity?

Teacher's Day
This day the students show in some way an affection for their teachers, every grade prepare a special act for their guide teacher.
1. How was the celebration of this year to your teacher?
2. In which activity did you participate to celebrate your teacher?
3. What would you like to say to a specific teacher or all of your teachers?
4. What is the role of a teacher in student's life?


Cultural Week
This week is for girls, you have some time to prepare for some of the activities like dance, talent, spelling bee, math, IMO, Culture, Sport, etc. This week was to be relaxed, to enjoy time with your partners, to forget all about courses. 

1. What was your favorite part of this week?
2. In which activity did your participate?
3. What would you like to add in this week?

27 comentarios:

  1. 1. It means everything to me.
    2. I would do everything for her up to the impossible possible.
    3. Pray the rosary and talk about the Virgin of Dolores and I left with her costume.
    4. I do not remember it.
    5. Flowers, two loaves of bread, bible, wine glasses and Christ.
    6. To get closer to God.
    7. A letter and gifts.
    8. It was a dance but not all of them arrived and unfortunately we can not do it.
    9. Thanks to them I learn a lot day to day.
    10. It is very important and marks all of your life, since you gain from them you learn so that tomorrow will be better.
    11. On Monday Miss IMO since I am happy that my friend who is already her last year won.
    12. In the dubbing.
    13. Miss IMO since it also took me experience because I put on Katti.

    Evelyn Herrera
    5th. B.S.
    Key 8

    1.My mom is a part very important in my life, she means the force that I have everyday to never give up.
    2. I think that the most important thing that I can do for my mom is to continue studying to give her the best.
    1. We prayed the rosary and had a mass.
    2. the virgin that was assigned to us was the virgin of sorrows
    1.On our altar we put a white tablecloth, natural flowers and paper, we put bread and wine and some blocks to raise the most holy. I think that the activity is to get closer to God.
    1.The celebration was that each grade prepared a special act for their teacher.
    2. I did not participate in any activity.
    3.I would like to say thank you for all the love and patience they always give, for getting up every day to make us a better person.
    4. I think the role that teachers play is to train us to create a better future for Guatemala.
    1.The best part of the week was Monday when they crowned two secretaries as queens.
    2.I participated in the workshops.
    3. I do not know, I think that's fine.

    Marleny García
    5th BS
    Key 6

    1.My mom for me means everything since she is the one who has given me the best advice and is always there to listen to me.
    2.for my mom I would do anything.
    1.helping to decorate the station that we played so that the father could come to terms
    2.the virgin of sorrows.
    1.I had bread, wine, roses and candles; this activity consists in being able to get closer to God.
    1.It was a dance.
    2.In none just practice for the dance.
    3.Thank you for teaching us and believe in us that if we could change our way of being.
    4.Teach us and above all that we learn.
    1.The choice of Miss IMO.
    2.In dubbing and spelling.
    3.Go see a play.

    Joseline Olivar
    5th. SB

  4. 1. For me, my mom is a beautiful woman, full of life, a person definitely important in my life, an example of a mother, is a very special person both for his way of being and the place he has in my life. an example to follow.
    2. What I can do for my mom is to make her proud of my achievements and thus make her effort worthwhile for so many years that she did for me.

    1. Participate in the corpus Christi that coordinated the school.

    1. 1. there were candles, flowers, balloons, tablecloths, supposedly wine and bread.
    it consists of the presentation to Christ and the blessing that the father does for the people who are at the altar and for other circumstances that need it.

    1. The celebration was unique since the same school gives the guidelines to be able to show teachers the importance they have in our lives.
    2. I did not participate in the celebrated day, since I had seminary activity. but I shared a moment with my teacher and a teacher that we really appreciate.
    3. I would like to tell some teachers that I appreciate the support and charisma with which they have treated me throughout my stay at school.
    4. The role they have is important since they are not only people who sit to share their knowledge, but are people with whom we share the other half of our daily life.

    1. my favorite part was going to museums and the work of "the society of dead poets".
    2. Participate in the spelling contest in English and in the dubbing contest represented by one of the Bronco dancers.
    3. I would like to add a modeling contest, and that the same workshops that were held were longer giving more teaching and participation to the girls.

    Samantha Sagastume
    6th. SB

  5. 1. My mother is very special to me because she behaves like mother and father at the same time.
    2. what I can do for my mom is to give her the news that I got good grades.
    1. Participate at the end of the Marian month makeng the altar for the corpus christi.
    2. the name Maria assigned was the virgin of sorrows.
    1. The elements that my altar had were candles, flowers, tableclths, brads, glasses and balloons.
    1. The truth depends on how she had it because we started telling scary things.
    2. we do not participate in anything.
    3. Congratulate them all and say thank you for forming us in good people.
    4. I feel that the role of la teacher in student life is that of a fhater or a mother because they form us with love.
    1. My Favorite part was when they announced that Katteryn was the new Miss IMO.
    2. Participate in the talent show.
    3. I do not know the truth.

    Suly Marisol Pérez
    Key 11

  6. Mother’s Day
    My mom is very important in my life she always helps me and loves me.
    I can do things like help in my home and be a good daughter.
    Marian's Month
    I participated in the activity of begining when we was praying and gave a flower to her and the end too praying.
    The name was the “Virgen de Dolores”.
    Corpus Christi
    The altar had a lot of things like a tablecloth, flowers, bread, the wine. This activity consists in to celebrate the presence of Christ in the eucharist.
    Teacher's Day
    The girls prepared a activities for the teachers.
    I don’t participated cause I don’t attend because I was sick.
    I believe that I say thank you and that the teacher is very important because they teach us and they are with us.
    The role of a teacher is to guide a student in his student and personal life.
    Cultural Week
    My favorite part of Cultural week was the visit to museums because I could to learn a lot thing about Guatemala.
    I participated in two activities that were the spelling bee and the math contest.
    I can't imagine what would add I think that okay.

    Viviana Tuy
    5th B.S.
    Key: 13

    1. means strength, love and support for a lifetime.

    2.I can do whatever it takes


    1. with a rosary to end the Marian month

    2. virgin of carmen


    Our altar carried flowers, candles, globis, wine, bread, trays that made reference to gold, tablecloths, blogs and a pillow for the father to incarnate. It is also the coming of the body of Christ that heals our soul and blesses us.


    1. I think she liked me a lot since it was fun to do the act for her.

    2. in a playback of your favorite music and group.

    3. I think everyone is loved equally.

    4. I think that more than being a friend and counselor, he is a person who has a lot of patience to teach about his profession and let him know what was done for this.


    1. la obra de teatro, siempre me ha encantado cuando realizan esa actividad.

    2. participé en el doblaje, en los talleres, en el concurso de spelling bee y en el concurso de matemática.

    3.concurso de actuación
    1. the play, I've always loved it when they do that activity.

    2. I participated in the dubbing, in the workshops, in the spelling bee contest and in the math contest.

    3. acting contest

    1. Be careful!, not Spanish, is She not he, her not him
      3.5/5 ;) thanks.

  8. 1.My mother for everything is in life is my best friend and without her I am nothing.
    2.For my mother I do the impossible because she deserves so much in this life.
    3.Resando the rosary.
    4.Blessed Virgin of Sorrows.
    5.He had bread, grapes, candles, flowers. This activity consists in having an encounter with Jesus Christ and being able to praise him.
    6.It was with acts for them.
    I was going to participate in a dance.
    That they are the best teachers that could enter our lives and that it is a privilege to be their students.
    They are the people who make our day to day better than without their learning we would not be the people we are being.
    7. My favorite part was the day of the election of queens.
    8.Participate in a typing con test and theater museum activities.
    9.I would add more workshops.

    Astrid Boror
    5th SB

  9. 1. For me, my mother is the most important thing in my life that the words of my love would fall short.
    2.For my mother I can do what she told me.
    3. Collaborate on the altar.
    4.Maria Dolores
    5. The table, the flowers, and the Marian decoration, consists in celebrating the corpus christi
    6.For me it was the same as every year.
    7.Nothing hahaha
    8. Well, a specific teacher would tell you that he is a great teacher and a great person for having the patience to teach and explain very well.
    9. Teach the student to be better.
    10 queens elections
    11.Do not participate in anything
    12.More exits and places that attract attention to students.

    Virginia García
    Key: 7
    5th. B.S.

  10. Mother’s day
    1 ) My mom means everything in my life, because she is my light and help me when I feel so bad and everyday give me love and food.
    2 ) Give my life and make that she can feel proud for my success and fight to have a better life in the future.
    Marian´s Month
    1 )
    I attended the prayer of the rosary
    2) Virgin of the peace
    Corpus Christi
    1) Wheat wine bread and grapes Consist in pray and expose the Jesus Crist
    Teacher's Day
    4) The role of the teacher is teach to the students and learn everyday something.
    Cultural week
    1) In the dubbing of Bronco because I pass so Good with my partners
    2) In the Speeling bee, Dubbing, and the typing course.
    3) More trips to the museum or the zoo

    Anna Ortiz
    6th bilingual secretary
    Key : 5

  11. mother´s day

    my mom means everything to me is my strength and the one that always supports me in everything and never leaves me alone.

    2. for my mom I would do anything.

    Marian's Month

    1. participate in prayer.

    Corpus Christi
    1. ur altar had bread and wine flowers tablecloth a pillow was that the body of Christ was going on at each altar.

    Cultural Week
    My favorite part was the election of Miss Imo.

    2.participate in almost everything was a very nice week to share with our class and see that we are united.

    3. I would like them to put more courses to dance.

    n the celebration of teacher's day I did not arrive because of family matters.

    heidi morales
    5th. bilingual secretary
    key: 09


  12. Mother's Day.

    1. My mother means strength, because she has taught me to fight for what one wants to achieve.

    2. For my mother, many things, for example, take her to Mexico so that she knows the vasilica of Guadalupe, and give her everything she wants and needs.

    Marian month

    1. Only participate in the prayer, until the end of the month I continued to participate only in the prayer.

    2. Virgin of Peace was the virgin who was assigned to the degree to which I am.


    Cristi curpos

    1. He had a glass of wine, which means the blood of Christ, and bread that is the body of Christ, decorated in yellow and white, and the activity consists in Jesus giving life for us and giving us life with his body and blood.

    teacher's Day.

    1. Their celebration was to dance for them with the songs they liked to make them happy.

    2. Participate as one of the backstreet boys singers.

    3. Well, what I would say to Miss Carmelita who is a teacher that I appreciate very much that I never stop believing in me and that she is like a mother too and that I appreciate her very much.

    4. The teacher teaches us many things, thanks to them we learn from life, many times from things in his life that teach us to better understand life they learn from us and we from them.


    Cultural week.

    1. My favorite part was the dubbing because one sang at all lungs and joined the others, besides there were some funny and it was what made it interesting and beautiful.

    2. Participate as Miss IMO 2019, which was a pretty activity that made me return to my childhood and lose some fear of the public, and also participated in the dubbing playing the piano.

    3. I would like to have dance contests, as it is shared with the partners and it is something that most of us like.

    Emelyn Andrea Jimenez Fajardo
    Key: 3 6th Bilingual Secretary

  13. My mom means everything for me, she is my heroe.
    I can do everything to see her happy.

    I participated decorating the class, well helping.
    The name of the Mary Assignment was "Virgen de Dolores"
    I couldnt go to the day of the altars because i was sick.

    The celebration was so cool and funny.
    I participated in a dance.
    I would like to say thank you, for support us in every problem and laugh with us.
    The role of a teacher in students life is like a friend, a smart friend haha.

    My favorite part was the IMO selection.
    I participate in a voiceover of Elvis Presley.
    Anything, i think that is OK.

    Josselyne Alvarez Grajeda.
    5th SB

  14. Fabiola xajap
    5 secretariado bilingue
    clave 06

    1. What does your mom mean to you?
    a great person who despite all that she has always gone through, has come forward to prove to be a great war that always knows how to get ahead

    2. What can you do for your mother?
    show her that she can trust me, that everything I do is thanks to her, that all her efforts are worth it because she is a great warrior

    Teacher's Day
    1. What was this year's celebration like for your teacher?
    Well, we made a video for him of all 5 bilingual secretaries, and wishing him all the best

    2. What activity did you participate in to celebrate your teacher?
    last year we made a dance with love.

    3. What would you like to say to a specific teacher or to all of his teachers?
    They are a great example to follow that thanks to them I have learned many things and to be able to trust me and be sure of myself and demonstrate what I can do.

    4. What is the role of a teacher in the student's life?
    Be a guide to teach us everything they know and show us that school can also be a home.

    Cultural Week
    1. What was your favorite part of this week?
    All the activities are beautiful and these last years are the ones that I have enjoyed the most.

    2. What activity did you participate in?
    Well, the year I participated as a candidate for Miss Sympathy, but it was not the best experience, but it was beautiful, singing activities with my title that were the best.

    3. What would you like to add this week?
    dubbing of the most famous artists, dances etc ...
