martes, 8 de octubre de 2019


In this month were celebration to say goodbye to seniors of this year.
They could share with all students of High School, there was music, a video.


On September 13, there was the Civic Parade, all High School Level and Secondary Level participate in this Parade.

On September 27, there was Celebration of Mater Orphanorum, there was a procession with the other School Emiliani, every grade made a rug, most of the students participate in the procession.

Also this  year the early activity was made by 4th and 5th Bilingual Secretary.


Other school year is ended. I hope you will have a great vacations, my best wishes.

General questions:

  1. What do you think of activity for seniors? Did you liket it? What would you change?
  2. How did you participate on September 27 ?
  3. What do you expect for your vacations?
  4. Have you notice some positive change about your English skills? Which one (s) ?

8 comentarios:

  1. 1. I think that we could participate more and do something more elaborate, so they still have a nice memory.
    2. I stayed to sleep at school to get up early to help in the placement of lanterns and to charge in the procession at five in the morning.
    3. Not doing trade in my house and doing the things that I have pending as well as doing that I proposed.
    4. I learned new words for my vocabulary and other forms of expressions.

  2. 1. I think you always have to keep respect for them and it is good to do this type of activity but I feel that I should see more enthusiasm and more activities. 2.Participe Accompanying the procession, making carpet with my classmates and on the walk.
    3. Rest, if possible to apply in my practice center and work.
    4. More knowledge of words, better understanding.


  3. I Would change the place where we eat and dance, but i lile it.

    I participated with all the secretaries praying at 5 am, but it was very very very early.

    I would like to increase my english vocabulary and learn a lot of my practices.

    Yes a lot i learned some things about traduce and other words.

    Josselyne Álvarez
    5th Secretary B.

  4. I think the activide for seniors it was pretty but I would like change that we all share together for being the last day and not that the seniors forward and the others behind.

    4. I learning more vocabulary and I hope speak more about the expressions and be able to apply ir on my life.

    heidi morales
    key 09
    5th bilingual secretary
    2. i participe in the dawn of the virgin and I was in the procession and in the prayer.

    3. I hope to sleep a lot, follow learning english,and play with my family and with my friends. and to be able to do things well in pre practices.

  5. Note: My first commentary was errased by error so I have had to rewrite it AAAAAAHH! >:(

    1.I reaaly enjoyed that activity, my best friend Melany is a Senior, so it was so much importatn for me and for she too, I loved the food, and the videos.
    I would like that the next year change the pklace were we celebrate it, I mean, the way to the asylum is gerat, but not for that kind of celebrations, I don?t know, I would like that be in the Inmaculada. hahaha

    2. I participated in the procession ad the pray of the laudes and I enjoyed too muh to be there, but I was some scare 'cause I have a knid of phobia of the dark but it eas ok.

    3. I hope to obtain a holidays job after to finish my pre-practices, and spend more time with my friends form Mixco 'cause I didn't seem them too much in the year, and with my boyfriend too :3 hahaha

    4. Well, I guess that I encreased my drafting,vocabulary, translation, and that I can speak more flued, and I hope that I'll increase more and more the next year :,)

    María José Días Tzoy
    Key: 05
    5th Bilingual Secretary

  6. 1) I really liked that activity, because you can participate in it, and it is something that those people also like

    2)participate on September 27 loading, singing and the most beautiful prayers that were made in the immaculate

    3)In my vacations I hope, to be able to work, rest and learn new things but principally share with my family and friends

    4)In my English skills I have noticed that my pronunciation has improved and I have learned new words

    Mitzy Alejandra Fuentes Montenegro
    Key: 2
    4rh Bilingual Secretary

  7. 1.The activity is to celebrate that the student will finish your career and is good for them and I liked the activity and I don’t know what can change.
    2.I participated doing the prayers early morning and in the procession of the virgin.
    3.I hope that my vacations I would be more relaxed and I can do a lot things that I don’t do when I am studying.
    4.Yes, I think that in the year I can to improved my skills in English such as my redaction, vocabulary and fluency.

    Viviana Tuy
    Key: 13
    5th B.S.

  8. 1. It is a very beautiful activity since it is the last thing that is done in the school and would change the place where it is always done.

    2.Participate in the procession and in the audes for the virgin mary.

    3.I hope to spend a very good holiday with my friends and family.

    4.En inglés aprendí más vocabularios y a como traducir mejor.

    Astrid Boror
    5th BS
